Number of Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India in 2024

Last updated on February 20, 2024

How many Tata Power Ev Charging locations are there in India?

There are 1,600 Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India as of February 20, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India is Maharashtra, with 505 locations, which is about 32% of all Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India.


How can I download a list of Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,600 Tata Power Ev Charging locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Tata Power Ev Charging locations


505 (32%)

A location for every 243,850 people, in Maharashtra with about 32% of the total number of Tata Power Ev Charging locations

Andhra Pradesh

136 (8%)

A location for every 396,346 people, in Andhra Pradesh with about 8% of the total number of Tata Power Ev Charging locations


115 (7%)

A location for every 704,635 people, in Rajasthan with about 7% of the total number of Tata Power Ev Charging locations

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Maharashtra 505 (32%) 123.14M 243.85K
Andhra Pradesh 136 (8%) 53.90M 396.35K
Rajasthan 115 (7%) 81.03M 704.63K
Telangana 104 (6%) 38.51M 370.30K
Gujarat 95 (6%) 63.87M 672.34K
Delhi 92 (6%) 18.71M 203.38K
Haryana 86 (5%) 28.20M 327.96K
Karnataka 84 (5%) 67.56M 804.32K
Tamil Nadu 79 (5%) 77.84M 985.33K
Kerala 50 (3%) 35.70M 713.98K

There are Tata Power Ev Charging locations in 30 states and territories in India

States and Territories without any Tata Power Ev Charging locations

These states and territories do not have any Tata Power Ev Charging locations

  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Uttarakhand
  • Nagaland
  • Mizoram
  • Manipur
  • Lakshadweep
  • Ladakh
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • West Bengal

There are 10 states and territories without Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India

Cities with the most number of Tata Power Ev Charging locations in India

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Mumbai Maharashtra 372
Gurgaon Haryana 66
Pune Maharashtra 64
Bangalore Karnataka 47
Jaipur Rajasthan 40
Ahmedabad Gujarat 37
Chennai Tamil Nadu 27
North Goa Goa 27
North Delhi Delhi 24
Hyderabad Telangana 23

Download the complete database of Tata Power Ev Charging Locations in India

You can download the full list of Tata Power Ev Charging locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Iocl Sivajyothi Enterprises Maddilapalem Charging Station Chennai - Kolkata Hwy Maddilapalem Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 530013 092464 19559 17.732349 83.317736 Chennai - Kolkata Hwy Maddilapalem, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 530013 India 2024-02-20
Tata Motors Sparsh - Dwarka Garg Plaza Charging Station Rz A- 70 Garg Plaza Dabri - Palam Road West Delhi Delhi 110043 085270 00290 28.60585 77.08133 Rz A- 70 Garg Plaza Dabri - Palam Road, West Delhi, Delhi, 110043 India 2024-02-20
Hotel Suba Elite Fatehganj Main Road Charging Station Near Parsi Agiyari Fatehganj Main Road Vadodara Gujarat 390002 092235 81898 22.3205834 73.1883779 Near Parsi Agiyari Fatehganj Main Road, Vadodara, Gujarat, 390002 India 2024-02-20
Iocl Om Petroleum Kamod Charging Station Kamod Ahmedabad Gujarat 382427 095211 77507 22.9247437 72.5434955 Kamod, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 382427 India 2024-02-20
Taj The Gateway Resort & Spa, Damdama Damdama Sohna Gurgaon Gurgaon Haryana 122102 092235 81898 28.301159 77.123222 Damdama Sohna Gurgaon, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122102 India 2024-02-20
Maxx Cinema, Harry Plaza Model Mg Mall Office No 101 1st Floor Harry Plaza Model Sonipat Haryana 131001 085270 00290 29.004184 77.032661 Mg Mall Office No 101 1st Floor Harry Plaza Model, Sonipat, Haryana, 131001 India 2024-02-20
Punjab King Dhaba Ganaur Highway Charging Station 64th Milestone Sonipat Haryana 131101 085270 00290 29.157569 77.035833 64th Milestone, Sonipat, Haryana, 131101 India 2024-02-20
Mg Dyuthi Automobiles Hunsur Road Charging Station Plot No 201/1&2 Hunsur Road Mysuru Karnataka 570017 097422 11172 12.3255681 76.6102634 Plot No 201/1&2 Hunsur Road, Mysuru, Karnataka, 570017 India 2024-02-20
Iocl Ponmankal Petroleum Ettumanoor Charging Station Sh32 Ettumanoor Kottayam Kerala 686631 097422 11172 9.6698571 76.571943 Sh32 Ettumanoor, Kottayam, Kerala, 686631 India 2024-02-20
Iocl General Agencies Police Residential Quarters Madanapalle Chittoor Andhra Pradesh Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 517325 092464 19559 13.5427503 78.5187814 Police Residential Quarters Madanapalle Chittoor Andhra Pradesh, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, 517325 India 2024-02-20

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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