Number of Telepizza restaurants in Spain in 2024

Last updated on June 28, 2024

How many Telepizza restaurants are there in Spain?

There are 706 Telepizza restaurants in Spain as of June 28, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Telepizza locations in Spain is Madrid, with 115 restaurants, which is about 16% of all Telepizza restaurants in Spain.


How can I download a list of Telepizza restaurants in Spain into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 706 Telepizza locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Telepizza restaurants


115 (16%)

A restaurant for every 58,704 people, in Madrid with about 16% of the total number of Telepizza restaurants


57 (8%)

A restaurant for every 100,263 people, in Barcelona with about 8% of the total number of Telepizza restaurants


34 (5%)

A restaurant for every 57,294 people, in Seville with about 5% of the total number of Telepizza restaurants

Province / Territory Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant
Madrid 115 (16%) 6.75M 58.70K
Barcelona 57 (8%) 5.71M 100.26K
Seville 34 (5%) 1.95M 57.29K
Valencia 33 (5%) 2.59M 78.45K
Alicante 27 (4%) 1.88M 69.70K
Biscay 25 (4%) 1.15M 46.16K
Cádiz 24 (3%) 1.25M 51.92K
Málaga 24 (3%) 1.70M 70.67K
Murcia 22 (3%) 1.52M 69.00K
A Coruña 19 (3%) 1.12M 58.95K

There are no provinces and territories without Telepizza restaurants in Spain

Cities with the most number of Telepizza restaurants in Spain

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Madrid Madrid 46
Barcelona Barcelona 11
Sevilla Seville 11
Zaragoza Zaragoza 10
Valencia Valencia 8
Valladolid Valladolid 7
Malaga Málaga 6
Bilbao Biscay 6
Vitoria-Gasteiz Álava 6
Burgos Burgos 5

Telepizza vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Telepizza   vs   Burger King 955 (+249 locations than Telepizza) 52 (Same as Telepizza) 430 ( -63 cities than Telepizza)
Telepizza   vs   McDonald's 595 ( -111 locations than Telepizza) 52 (Same as Telepizza) 310 ( -183 cities than Telepizza)
Telepizza   vs   Dominos 387 ( -319 locations than Telepizza) 51 ( -1 states than Telepizza) 75 ( -418 cities than Telepizza)
Telepizza   vs   KFC 287 ( -419 locations than Telepizza) 41 ( -11 states than Telepizza) 162 ( -331 cities than Telepizza)
Telepizza   vs   Starbucks 176 ( -530 locations than Telepizza) 26 ( -26 states than Telepizza) 48 ( -445 cities than Telepizza)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Telepizza with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Telepizza Locations in Spain

You can download the full list of Telepizza locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Mieres La Vega 1 985452555 Mieres Asturias 33600 985 45 25 55 43.250013 -5.773108 La Vega 1 985452555, Mieres, Asturias, 33600 Spain 2024-06-28
Lloret De Mar Avenida Vila De Tossa 50 972360151 Lloret De Mar Girona 17310 972 36 01 51 41.7040421 2.8499471 Avenida Vila De Tossa 50 972360151, Lloret De Mar, Girona, 17310 Spain 2024-06-28
Guadalajara (B.Entrepeñas) Calle Blvr De Entrepeñas 19 653300924 Guadalajara Guadalajara 19005 949 75 04 14 40.638447 -3.161591 Calle Blvr De Entrepeñas 19 653300924, Guadalajara, Guadalajara, 19005 Spain 2024-06-28
Yecla España 17 968718182 Yecla Murcia 30510 968 71 81 82 38.612738 -1.114524 España 17 968718182, Yecla, Murcia, 30510 Spain 2024-06-28
Pamplona (Enamorados) Parque De Los Enamorados 24 Bajo 948147017 Pamplona Navarre 31014 948 14 70 17 42.823467 -1.653125 Parque De Los Enamorados 24 Bajo 948147017, Pamplona, Navarre, 31014 Spain 2024-06-28
Segovia (Ochoa) Ochoa Ondategui Esquina Fernán 2 921412094 Segovia Segovia 40001 921 41 20 94 40.947509 -4.117108 Ochoa Ondategui Esquina Fernán 2 921412094, Segovia, Segovia, 40001 Spain 2024-06-28
Balaguer (Plaza Sardana) Plaza De La Sardana 4 Balaguer Lleida 25600 973 10 92 42 41.789198 0.811498 Plaza De La Sardana 4, Balaguer, Lleida, 25600 Spain 2024-06-28
Sitges Bonaire 7 938948944 Sitges Barcelona 08870 938 94 89 44 41.236128 1.807908 Bonaire 7 938948944, Sitges, Barcelona, 08870 Spain 2024-06-28
Fuentecarrantona Fuentecarrantona 19-21 674052778 Madrid Madrid 28030 913 01 54 45 40.4053321 -3.6332472 Fuentecarrantona 19-21 674052778, Madrid, Madrid, 28030 Spain 2024-06-28
Avilés (Jiménez) Doctor Jiménez Díaz 13 984752566 Aviles Asturias 33402 984 75 25 66 43.5519456 -5.9302358 Doctor Jiménez Díaz 13 984752566, Aviles, Asturias, 33402 Spain 2024-06-28

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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