Number of The Body Shop stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on December 18, 2024

How many The Body Shop stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 120 The Body Shop stores in the United Kingdom as of December 18, 2024. The country with the most number of The Body Shop locations in the UK is England, with 107 stores, which is about 89% of all The Body Shop stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of The Body Shop stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 120 The Body Shop locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 Countries with the most The Body Shop stores


107 (89%)

A store for every 526,047 people, in England with about 89% of the total number of The Body Shop stores


8 (7%)

A store for every 682,875 people, in Scotland with about 7% of the total number of The Body Shop stores


3 (2%)

A store for every 1,051,000 people, in Wales with about 2% of the total number of The Body Shop stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 107 (89%) 56.29M 526.05K
Scotland (7%) 5.46M 682.88K
Wales (2%) 3.15M 1.05M
Northern Ireland (2%) 1.89M 947.00K

There are The Body Shop stores in 4 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any The Body Shop stores

These countries do not have any The Body Shop stores

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man

There are 2 countries without The Body Shop stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of The Body Shop stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
Cambridge England 2
Manchester Lancashire England 2
York Yorkshire England 2
Bristol Gloucestershire England 2
Horsham England 1
Soho London England 1
Crawley West Sussex England 1
Skipton North Yorkshire England 1
Cardiff Glamorgan Wales 1
Spalding Lincolnshire England 1

The Body Shop vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
The Body Shop   vs   Superdrug 761 (+641 locations than The Body Shop) 6 (+2 states than The Body Shop) 625 (+509 cities than The Body Shop)
The Body Shop   vs   The Perfume Shop 197 (+77 locations than The Body Shop) 4 (Same as The Body Shop) 151 (+35 cities than The Body Shop)
The Body Shop   vs   Neal's Yard Remedies 195 (+75 locations than The Body Shop) 6 (+2 states than The Body Shop) 144 (+28 cities than The Body Shop)
The Body Shop   vs   Lush 101 ( -19 locations than The Body Shop) 4 (Same as The Body Shop) 82 ( -34 cities than The Body Shop)
The Body Shop   vs   Space NK 73 ( -47 locations than The Body Shop) 4 (Same as The Body Shop) 45 ( -71 cities than The Body Shop)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing The Body Shop with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of The Body Shop Locations in UK

You can download the full list of The Body Shop locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Horsham 36 Swan Walk Shopping Centre Horsham England RH12 1NW 01403 259172 51.0633083 -0.329716 36 Swan Walk Shopping Centre, Horsham, England, RH12 1NW 2024-12-18
Southend 131 High Street Southend On Sea Essex England SS1 1LH 01702 335245 51.5382552 0.7128817 131 High Street, Southend On Sea Essex, England, SS1 1LH 2024-12-18
Cambridge 1 Main Concourse Cambridge England CB2 2QQ 01223 210293 52.1752371 0.1262838 Main Concourse, Cambridge, England, CB2 2QQ 2024-12-18
Plymouth 28 New George St Plymouth England PL1 1RW 01752 203200 50.3715674 -4.1410848 28 New George St, Plymouth, England, PL1 1RW 2024-12-18
Hatfield Outlet Unit 36 A1 Galleria Comet Way Hatfield Hertfordshire England AL10 9TF 01707 276546 51.7611954 -0.2410164 Unit 36 A1 Galleria Comet Way, Hatfield Hertfordshire, England, AL10 9TF 2024-12-18
St.Albans 10 The Maltings St Albans Hertfordshire England AL1 3HS 01727 855576 51.7515683 -0.3382995 10 The Maltings, St Albans Hertfordshire, England, AL1 3HS 2024-12-18
Leamington Spa 39 The Parade Leamington Spa Warwickshire England CV32 4BL 01926 313343 52.2916514 -1.5354907 39 The Parade, Leamington Spa Warwickshire, England, CV32 4BL 2024-12-18
Birmingham Bullring Unit Su518 Middle Mall West Wing The Bullring Birmingham West Midlands England B5 4BE 0121 634 3505 52.4773836 -1.8943571 Unit Su518 Middle Mall West Wing The Bullring, Birmingham West Midlands, England, B5 4BE 2024-12-18
Solihull Unit 4 MIll Lane Solihull West Midlands England B91 3SR 0121 704 4732 52.4124038 -1.7793879 Unit 4 MIll Lane, Solihull West Midlands, England, B91 3SR 2024-12-18
Taunton 60 High Street Taunton Somerset England TA1 3PT 01823 332605 51.0137413 -3.1035857 60 High Street, Taunton Somerset, England, TA1 3PT 2024-12-18

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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