Number of United States Postal Service locations in the United States in 2024
How many United States Postal Service locations are there in the United States?
There are 31,488 United States Postal Service locations in the United States as of December 10, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of United States Postal Service locations in the US is New York, with 1,874 locations, which is about 6% of all United States Postal Service locations in the US.
How can I download a list of United States Postal Service locations in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 31,488 United States Postal Service locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most United States Postal Service locations
New York
1,874 (6%)
A location for every 10,381 people, in New York with about 6% of the total number of United States Postal Service locations
1,823 (6%)
A location for every 7,022 people, in Pennsylvania with about 6% of the total number of United States Postal Service locations
1,686 (5%)
A location for every 23,435 people, in California with about 5% of the total number of United States Postal Service locations
State / Territory | Number of locations | Population | Population per location |
New York | 1,874 (6%) | 19.45M | 10.38K |
Pennsylvania | 1,823 (6%) | 12.80M | 7.02K |
California | 1,686 (5%) | 39.51M | 23.43K |
Texas | 1,682 (5%) | 29.00M | 17.24K |
Illinois | 1,337 (4%) | 12.67M | 9.48K |
Ohio | 1,136 (4%) | 11.69M | 10.29K |
Michigan | 918 (3%) | 9.99M | 10.88K |
Missouri | 915 (3%) | 6.14M | 6.71K |
Virginia | 907 (3%) | 8.54M | 9.41K |
North Carolina | 847 (3%) | 10.49M | 12.38K |
There are no states and territories without United States Postal Service locations in the United States
Cities with the most number of United States Postal Service locations in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
New York | New York | 64 |
Chicago | Illinois | 63 |
Brooklyn | New York | 61 |
Washington | District of Columbia | 60 |
Los Angeles | California | 57 |
Houston | Texas | 56 |
Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 55 |
Atlanta | Georgia | 46 |
Bronx | New York | 46 |
Saint Louis | Missouri | 40 |
Download the complete database of United States Postal Service Locations in USA
You can download the full list of United States Postal Service locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Carefree | 100 Easy St | Carefree | AZ | 85377 | 480-488-3781 | 33.823989 | -111.922798 | 100 Easy St, Carefree, AZ, 85377 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Nikolski | 9998 Nikolski Rd | Nikolski | AK | 99638 | 907-576-2223 | 52.939581 | -168.861022 | 9998 Nikolski Rd, Nikolski, AK, 99638 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Vina | 7191 Highway 19 | Vina | AL | 35593 | 256-356-9410 | 34.37654 | -88.059176 | 7191 Highway 19, Vina, AL, 35593 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Washington Pasadena | 1355 N Mentor Ave | Pasadena | CA | 91104 | 626-794-8053 | 34.169208 | -118.131179 | 1355 N Mentor Ave, Pasadena, CA, 91104 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Brookside Cpo | 4399 Municipal Dr | Brookside | AL | 35036 | 205-674-8221 | 33.628869 | -86.906804 | 4399 Municipal Dr, Brookside, AL, 35036 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Hilda | 75 Railroad Ave | Barnwell | SC | 29812 | 803-793-1116 | 33.274312 | -81.24602 | 75 Railroad Ave, Barnwell, SC, 29812 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Chiniak | 36158 Chiniak Hwy | Chiniak | AK | 99615 | 907-486-0838 | 57.616963 | -152.364848 | 36158 Chiniak Hwy, Chiniak, AK, 99615 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Kokhanok | 998 Kokhanok Rd | Kokhanok | AK | 99606 | 907-282-2202 | 59.44493 | -154.76081 | 998 Kokhanok Rd, Kokhanok, AK, 99606 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Point Lay | 218 Qigalik St | Point Lay | AK | 99759 | 907-833-2812 | 69.741509 | -163.004014 | 218 Qigalik St, Point Lay, AK, 99759 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Koliganek | 5098 Koliganek Rd | Koliganek | AK | 99576 | 907-596-3434 | 59.726338 | -157.267007 | 5098 Koliganek Rd, Koliganek, AK, 99576 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
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