Number of Walmart stores in Canada in 2024

Last updated on December 23, 2024

How many Walmart stores are there in Canada?

There are 408 Walmart stores in Canada as of December 23, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Walmart locations in Canada is Ontario, with 148 stores, which is about 36% of all Walmart stores in Canada.


How can I download a list of Walmart stores in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 408 Walmart locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Walmart stores


148 (36%)

A store for every 97,615 people, in Ontario with about 36% of the total number of Walmart stores


72 (18%)

A store for every 117,125 people, in Quebec with about 18% of the total number of Walmart stores


61 (15%)

A store for every 71,246 people, in Alberta with about 15% of the total number of Walmart stores

Province / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Ontario 148 (36%) 14.45M 97.61K
Quebec 72 (18%) 8.43M 117.12K
Alberta 61 (15%) 4.35M 71.25K
British Columbia 48 (12%) 5.02M 104.58K
Nova Scotia 18 (4%) 965.00K 53.61K
Saskatchewan 16 (4%) 1.17M 73.00K
Manitoba 16 (4%) 1.36M 85.00K
New Brunswick 13 (3%) 772.00K 59.38K
Newfoundland and Labrador 11 (3%) 524.00K 47.64K
Prince Edward Island (0%) 155.00K 77.50K

Provinces and Territories without any Walmart stores

These provinces and territories do not have any Walmart stores

  • Nunavut

There are 1 provinces and territories without Walmart stores in Canada

Cities with the most number of Walmart stores in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Edmonton Alberta 12
Calgary Alberta 11
Winnipeg Manitoba 8
Toronto Ontario 6
Scarborough Ontario 6
Brampton Ontario 5
Ottawa Ontario 5
Quebec City Quebec 4
Surrey British Columbia 4
Montreal Quebec 4

Download the complete database of Walmart Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Walmart locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Fort Chipewyan Supercentre - Test Store 119 Mcdonald St Fort Chipewyan AB T0P 1B0 58.714951 -111.149964 119 Mcdonald St, Fort Chipewyan, AB, T0P 1B0 Canada 2024-12-23
Corner Brook Newfoundland 16 Murphy Sq Corner Brook NL A2H 1R4 709-634-2310 48.9595 -57.9167 16 Murphy Sq, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 1R4 Canada 2024-12-23
Williams Lake, Bc 1205 Prosperity Way Williams Lake BC V2G 0A6 250-305-6868 52.114659 -122.133808 1205 Prosperity Way, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 0A6 Canada 2024-12-23
Uranium City Supercentre - Test Store Uranium Rd Uranium City SK S0J 2W0 59.569964 -108.611168 Uranium Rd, Uranium City, SK, S0J 2W0 Canada 2024-12-23
Chateauguay 250 Boul Briseboise Chateauguay QC J6K 0H5 450-699-3435 45.344683 -73.765058 250 Boul Briseboise, Chateauguay, QC, J6K 0H5 Canada 2024-12-23
Burnaby Sw 4545 Central Blvd Burnaby BC V5H 4J1 778-328-1120 49.224504 -122.999542 4545 Central Blvd, Burnaby, BC, V5H 4J1 Canada 2024-12-23
Quebec City (Downtown) 2700 Boul Laurier Quebec City QC G1V 2L8 418-656-9407 46.770007 -71.284645 2700 Boul Laurier, Quebec City, QC, G1V 2L8 Canada 2024-12-23
Clarenville, Nl 11 Shoal Harbour Dr Clarenville NL A5A 2C3 709-466-3014 48.167822 -53.987111 11 Shoal Harbour Dr, Clarenville, NL, A5A 2C3 Canada 2024-12-23
Mclennan Supercentre - Test Store 1 Ave Nw Mclennan AB T0H 2L0 55.709841 -116.909054 1 Ave Nw, Mclennan, AB, T0H 2L0 Canada 2024-12-23
Deschambault Lake Supercentre - Test Store School Dr Deschambault Lake SK S0P 0C0 54.917501 -103.374421 School Dr, Deschambault Lake, SK, S0P 0C0 Canada 2024-12-23

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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