Number of Walmart stores in the United States in 2024
How many Walmart stores are there in the United States?
There are 4,614 Walmart stores in the United States as of November 18, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Walmart locations in the US is Texas, with 514 stores, which is about 11% of all Walmart stores in the US.
How can I download a list of Walmart stores in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 4,614 Walmart locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most Walmart stores
514 (11%)
A store for every 56,412 people, in Texas with about 11% of the total number of Walmart stores
341 (7%)
A store for every 62,985 people, in Florida with about 7% of the total number of Walmart stores
273 (6%)
A store for every 144,733 people, in California with about 6% of the total number of Walmart stores
State / Territory | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
Texas | 514 (11%) | 29.00M | 56.41K |
Florida | 341 (7%) | 21.48M | 62.98K |
California | 273 (6%) | 39.51M | 144.73K |
North Carolina | 193 (4%) | 10.49M | 54.34K |
Georgia | 185 (4%) | 10.62M | 57.39K |
Illinois | 152 (3%) | 12.67M | 83.37K |
Ohio | 143 (3%) | 11.69M | 81.74K |
Missouri | 137 (3%) | 6.14M | 44.80K |
Tennessee | 136 (3%) | 6.83M | 50.21K |
Pennsylvania | 135 (3%) | 12.80M | 94.83K |
There are Walmart stores in 54 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Walmart stores
These states and territories do not have any Walmart stores
- American Samoa
- Guam
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
There are 4 states and territories without Walmart stores in the United States
Cities with the most number of Walmart stores in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
San Antonio | Texas | 29 |
Orlando | Florida | 25 |
Houston | Texas | 24 |
Las Vegas | Nevada | 21 |
El Paso | Texas | 18 |
Tucson | Arizona | 17 |
Jacksonville | Florida | 17 |
Phoenix | Arizona | 15 |
Oklahoma City | Oklahoma | 15 |
Fort Worth | Texas | 15 |
Walmart vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Walmart | vs | Target | 1,978 ( -2,636 locations than Walmart) | 51 ( -1 states than Walmart) | 1,305 ( -1,337 cities than Walmart) |
Walmart | vs | Burlington | 1,108 ( -3,506 locations than Walmart) | 48 ( -4 states than Walmart) | 812 ( -1,830 cities than Walmart) |
Walmart | vs | Army & Air Force Exchange Service | 301 ( -4,313 locations than Walmart) | 49 ( -3 states than Walmart) | 202 ( -2,440 cities than Walmart) |
Walmart | vs | Belk | 290 ( -4,324 locations than Walmart) | 16 ( -36 states than Walmart) | 262 ( -2,380 cities than Walmart) |
Walmart | vs | Dillard's | 273 ( -4,341 locations than Walmart) | 30 ( -22 states than Walmart) | 239 ( -2,403 cities than Walmart) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Walmart with any other company, please contact our sales team
Reviews of Walmart Locations
Based on location reviews and ratings from over 15.30M customer of all Walmart locations, it was found that:
Walmart Locations with highest ratings
Store Name | City | State | Address | Review Rating | No. of Reviews |
Walmart | Caguas | PR | Rafael Cordero Ave 301, Caguas, PR, 00725 | 4.5 | 10283 |
Walmart | Calexico | CA | 2540 Rockwood Ave, Calexico, CA, 92231 | 4.5 | 8525 |
Walmart | Miami | FL | 8651 Nw 13th Ter, Miami, FL, 33126 | 4.4 | 20825 |
Walmart | Hatillo | PR | Plaza Del Mar Shopping Center, Hatillo, PR, 00659 | 4.5 | 7630 |
Walmart | Canovanas | PR | Plaza Canovanas Hwy 3 Int New Rt 66, Canovanas, PR, 00729 | 4.5 | 7367 |
Walmart Locations with lowest ratings
Store Name | City | State | Address | Review Rating | No. of Reviews |
Walmart | Minneapolis | MN | 1200 Shingle Creek Crossing, Minneapolis, MN, 55430 | 3.3 | 6350 |
Walmart | Saint Cloud | MN | 3601 2nd St South, Saint Cloud, MN, 56301 | 3.2 | 4023 |
Walmart | Grand Rapids | MI | 355 54th Street Sw, Grand Rapids, MI, 49548 | 3.4 | 6650 |
Walmart | Dearborn | MI | 5851 Mercury Dr, Dearborn, MI, 48126 | 3.5 | 10122 |
Walmart | Salt Lake City | UT | 350 Hope Ave, Salt Lake City, UT, 84115 | 3.5 | 10097 |
Download the complete database of Walmart Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Walmart locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Mobile Neighborhood Market | 6350 Cottage Hill Rd | Mobile | AL | 36609 | 251-661-1717 | 30.641503 | -88.189305 | 6350 Cottage Hill Rd, Mobile, AL, 36609 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Huntsville Pharmacy | 1 Cotton Valley Drive Nw | Huntsville | AL | 35810 | 256-746-1638 | 34.830417 | -86.640115 | 1 Cotton Valley Drive Nw, Huntsville, AL, 35810 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Bentonville Gas Station | 1300 S Walton Blvd | Bentonville | AR | 72712 | 479-271-2209 | 36.357486 | -94.214669 | 1300 S Walton Blvd, Bentonville, AR, 72712 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Fayetteville Supercenter | 2875 W Martin Luther King Blvd | Fayetteville | AR | 72704 | 479-582-0428 | 36.050728 | -94.201344 | 2875 W Martin Luther King Blvd, Fayetteville, AR, 72704 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Hot Springs Neighborhood Market | 1544 Malvern Ave | Hot Springs | AR | 71901 | 501-262-7520 | 34.494271 | -93.040121 | 1544 Malvern Ave, Hot Springs, AR, 71901 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Bentonville Pharmacy | 702 Sw 8th St Pharmacy | Bentonville | AR | 72712 | 479-273-4941 | 36.364942 | -94.216923 | 702 Sw 8th St Pharmacy, Bentonville, AR, 72712 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Rogers Supercenter | 4208 Pleasant Crossing Blvd | Rogers | AR | 72758 | 479-621-9769 | 36.278817 | -94.151181 | 4208 Pleasant Crossing Blvd, Rogers, AR, 72758 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Glendale Neighborhood Market | 7450 W Glendale Ave | Glendale | AZ | 85303 | 623-915-2632 | 33.539299 | -112.218868 | 7450 W Glendale Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85303 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Glendale Neighborhood Market | 4230 W Union Hills Dr | Glendale | AZ | 85308 | 623-869-0779 | 33.656079 | -112.150397 | 4230 W Union Hills Dr, Glendale, AZ, 85308 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
Galliano Pharmacy | 16759 Hwy 3235 | Galliano | LA | 70345 | 985-632-4727 | 29.470675 | -90.324403 | 16759 Hwy 3235, Galliano, LA, 70345 | USA | 2024-11-18 |
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