Number of Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in the United States in 2024
How many Yamaha WaveRunners dealers are there in the United States?
There are 614 Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in the United States as of December 17, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Yamaha WaveRunners locations in the US is Texas, with 62 dealers, which is about 10% of all Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in the US.
How can I download a list of Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 614 Yamaha WaveRunners locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most Yamaha WaveRunners dealers
62 (10%)
A dealer for every 467,677 people, in Texas with about 10% of the total number of Yamaha WaveRunners dealers
42 (7%)
A dealer for every 511,381 people, in Florida with about 7% of the total number of Yamaha WaveRunners dealers
35 (6%)
A dealer for every 1,128,914 people, in California with about 6% of the total number of Yamaha WaveRunners dealers
State / Territory | Number of dealers | Population | Population per dealer |
Texas | 62 (10%) | 29.00M | 467.68K |
Florida | 42 (7%) | 21.48M | 511.38K |
California | 35 (6%) | 39.51M | 1.13M |
Michigan | 33 (5%) | 9.99M | 302.64K |
New York | 29 (5%) | 19.45M | 670.83K |
Wisconsin | 28 (5%) | 5.82M | 207.93K |
Minnesota | 23 (4%) | 5.64M | 245.22K |
Georgia | 22 (4%) | 10.62M | 482.59K |
Pennsylvania | 21 (3%) | 12.80M | 609.62K |
Alabama | 20 (3%) | 4.90M | 245.15K |
There are Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in 50 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Yamaha WaveRunners dealers
These states and territories do not have any Yamaha WaveRunners dealers
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Puerto Rico
- District of Columbia
- American Samoa
- Guam
There are 6 states and territories without Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in the United States
Cities with the most number of Yamaha WaveRunners dealers in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Fort Worth | Texas | 7 |
Miami | Florida | 4 |
Las Vegas | Nevada | 3 |
Albuquerque | New Mexico | 3 |
Gainesville | Georgia | 2 |
Millsboro | Delaware | 2 |
Austin | Texas | 2 |
Mount Pleasant | Texas | 2 |
Lapeer | Michigan | 2 |
Appleton | Wisconsin | 2 |
Download the complete database of Yamaha WaveRunners Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Yamaha WaveRunners locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Blue Creek Marina | 7280 Highway 49 S | Dadeville | AL | 36853 | 256-825-8888 | 256-825-8897 | 32.73946 | -85.787453 | 7280 Highway 49 S, Dadeville, AL, 36853 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
S And W Honda-Yamaha | 12000 Highway 78 | Jasper | AL | 35501 | 205-483-1000 | 205-483-1041 | 33.855659 | -87.348808 | 12000 Highway 78, Jasper, AL, 35501 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
Blue Creek Marina | 6792 Highway 49 S | Dadeville | AL | 36853 | 32.74465 | -85.78641 | 6792 Highway 49 S, Dadeville, AL, 36853 | USA | 2024-12-17 | |
Hall's Motorsports | 1520 W I65 Service Rd S | Mobile | AL | 36693 | 251-509-0999 | 251-666-7672 | 30.65815 | -88.125618 | 1520 W I65 Service Rd S, Mobile, AL, 36693 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
Mountain Motorsports | 1025 N Mountain Ave | Ontario | CA | 91762 | 909-988-4999 | 909-988-8988 | 34.076859 | -117.671097 | 1025 N Mountain Ave, Ontario, CA, 91762 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
Malcolm Smith Motorcycles Inc | 7599 Indiana Ave | Riverside | CA | 92504 | 951-687-1201 | 951-687-1300 | 33.93412 | -117.406197 | 7599 Indiana Ave, Riverside, CA, 92504 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
G-Force Powersports Llc | 7700 W Colfax | Lakewood | CO | 80214 | 303-238-4303 | 303-238-4366 | 39.740219 | -105.083099 | 7700 W Colfax, Lakewood, CO, 80214 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
Vickery Motorsports Inc | 2231 S Parker Rd | Denver | CO | 80231 | 303-337-1721 | 303-755-4387 | 39.676109 | -104.872498 | 2231 S Parker Rd, Denver, CO, 80231 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
Jet Ski Of Miami | 3800 Nw 27th Ave | Miami | FL | 33142 | 305-634-5045 | 305-634-5754 | 25.81151 | -80.240402 | 3800 Nw 27th Ave, Miami, FL, 33142 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
Moms North Chelmsford | 170 Tyngsboro Rd | N Chelmsford | MA | 01863 | 978-251-4440 | 42.648209 | -71.396843 | 170 Tyngsboro Rd, N Chelmsford, MA, 01863 | USA | 2024-12-17 |
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