Scrape real estate data from Zillow to get property information such as Address, Broker Name, Price, Zestimate, and 10+ data points from the Zillow property listing page.
It’s as easy as Copy and Paste
Provide a list of Property Listing URLs and extract all real estate listings from Zillow.
Download the data in Excel, CSV, or JSON formats. Link a cloud storage platform like Dropbox to store your data.
Rank | Property ID | Address | Latitude | Longitude | Price | Currency | Bathrooms | Bedrooms | Area | Land Area | Zestimate | Rent Zestimate | Days On Zillow | Sold Date | Is Zillow Owned | Image | Listing Type | Status Text | Broker Name | Input | Property URL | Listing URL |
4 | 3948857 | 6448 S Lorel Ave, Chicago, IL 60638 | 41.774876 | -87.75588 | 224900 | USD | 1 | 2 | 891 sqft | - | - | - | 0 | - | False | | FOR SALE | Re-activated | Grandview Realty, LLC | | | |
5 | 2137098197 | 2503 S Homan Ave, Chicago, IL 60623 | 41.846073 | -87.7096 | 220000 | USD | 3 | 5 | 1922 sqft | - | - | - | 153 | - | False | | FOR SALE | Price Change | Compass | | | |
1 | 3949392 | 5105 W 63rd Pl, Chicago, IL 60638 | 41.77728 | -87.74932 | 274999 | USD | 2 | 2 | 1000 sqft | - | - | - | 4 | - | False | | FOR SALE | New | RE/MAX 10 | | | |
3 | 4116751 | 9150 S Burnside Ave, Chicago, IL 60619 | 41.727844 | -87.61695 | 219900 | USD | 1 | 3 | 1284 sqft | - | - | - | 204 | - | False | | FOR SALE | Active | 4 Sale Realty Advantage | | | |
2 | 3980370 | 4124 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60653 | 41.81936 | -87.62354 | 239900 | USD | 2 | 3 | 884 sqft | - | - | - | 0 | - | False | | FOR SALE | New | RE/MAX 10 | | | |
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"currency": "USD",
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"sold_date": null,
"status_text": "Price Change",
"zestimate": null
"address": "5105 W 63rd Pl, Chicago, IL 60638",
"area": "1000 sqft",
"bathrooms": "2",
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"broker_name": "RE/MAX 10",
"currency": "USD",
"days_on_zillow": "4",
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"property_url": "",
"rank": "1",
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"broker_name": "4 Sale Realty Advantage",
"currency": "USD",
"days_on_zillow": "204",
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"latitude": "41.727844",
"listing_type": "FOR SALE",
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"rank": "3",
"rent_zestimate": null,
"sold_date": null,
"status_text": "Active",
"zestimate": null
"address": "4124 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60653",
"area": "884 sqft",
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"currency": "USD",
"days_on_zillow": "0",
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"latitude": "41.81936",
"listing_type": "FOR SALE",
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"longitude": "-87.62354",
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"property_id": "3980370",
"property_url": "",
"rank": "2",
"rent_zestimate": null,
"sold_date": null,
"status_text": "New",
"zestimate": null
Download real estate listings from the Zillow search results page. Just provide the Zillow search results URLs to extract property listings, and the scraper will get you the updated real estate data from Zillow in a spreadsheet.
Extract the latest property listings by scheduling the scraper. All you have to do is provide the search results URL to the Zillow scraper.
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All our plans require a subscription that renews monthly. If you only need to use our services for a month, you can subscribe to our service for one month and cancel your subscription in less than 30 days.
Yes. You can set up the crawler to run periodically by clicking and selecting your preferred schedule. You can schedule crawlers to run on a Monthly, Weekly, or Hourly interval.
No, We won’t use your IP address to scrape the website. We’ll use our proxies and get data for you. All you have to do is, provide the input and run the scraper.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide you a refund/data credits if you made a mistake.
Here are some common scenarios we have seen for quota refund requests
If you cancel, you’ll be billed for the current month, but you won’t be charged again. If you have any page credits, you can still use our service until it reaches its limit.
Some crawlers can collect multiple records from a single page, while others might need to go to 3 pages to get a single record. For example, our Amazon Bestsellers crawler collects 50 records from one page, while our Indeed crawler needs to go through a list of all jobs and then move into each job details page to get more data.
All our data credit reset at the end of the billing period. Any unused credits do not carry over to the next billing period and also are nonrefundable. This is consistent with most software subscription services.
Sure, we can build custom solutions for you. Please contact our Sales team using this link, and that will get us started. In your message, please describe in detail what you require.
Most sites will display product pricing, availability and delivery charges based on the user location. Our crawler uses locations from US states so that the pricing may vary. To get accurate results based on a location, please contact us.
Contact us to schedule a brief, introductory call with our experts and learn how we can assist your needs.
Legal Disclaimer: ScrapeHero is an equal opportunity data service provider, a conduit, just like an ISP. We just gather data for our customers responsibly and sensibly. We do not store or resell data. We only provide the technologies and data pipes to scrape publicly available data. The mention of any company names, trademarks or data sets on our site does not imply we can or will scrape them. They are listed only as an illustration of the types of requests we get. Any code provided in our tutorials is for learning only, we are not responsible for how it is used.