Retail Store Location Data For Your Business Needs
Download accurate, updated, affordable and ready to use POI location data instantly
We monitor thousands of brands globally for store openings, store closures, parking availability, in-store pickup options, services, subsidiaries, nearest competitor stores and much more
Some of the most comprehensive datasets in the industry
- Brand
- Store Name
- Store ID / Store Number
- Geo Cordinates (Latitude, Longitude)
- Store Status (Open, Closed, etc.)
- Direction URL
- Address
- City
- Street
- County
- State
- Country
- Zip code
- Phone Number
Do you need the data refreshed periodically?
Explore our custom data subscriptions and data licensing options
Download our data and as often as you like or integrate your applications with our POI API, get the latest updated data, all with our subscription plans.
License our data for your company-wide usage or build innovative business or consumer facing products using our data.
You can get steep discounts with a yearly subscription, rather than buying every quarter
Explore our datasets by Industry
Thousands of brands and millions of location data across the world are available for instant download.
More brands and retail store locations are added every week.
Why buy from us?
Latest Data
We have one of the best update cycles in the industry - most of our datasets get updated monthly
Highest Quality
Our datasets undergo multiple rounds of stringent automated and manual checks to bring you the highest level of quality
Affordable Pricing
Most of our datasets are priced lower than our competitors. You get more value for your money
Need more data points?
We offer custom data enrichment services for most our POI Datasets
Examples of enriched data are – whether a particular Walgreens store has a clinic or provides vaccinations. Other examples are the hours of operations, store operator names or emails in some cases, menu for restaurants, busy times, pricing etc.
We can also provide additional enriched data on-demand for you in most cases.
Please reach out to us to discuss what type of data enrichment is possible.
Historical data
We have historical data for most brands
We have been keeping track of a lot of the popular brands since 2019, and can get you historical statistics on the location data including store openings, closures, etc.
Please contact our sales team if you are looking for the historical locations for any retail chain we have available in our store